Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 37: Singapore

Today we woke up and went to work for the first time in several weeks. No, not our work (don't be silly), but Brad's :). Brad and his counterpart Matthew gave us a tour of the factory where their product is made.

It was a brief working day for us, and we bid them farewell and headed to Chinatown for a little shopping. We are thrilled to report that we can actually find clothes here that match our height!

Next, we boarded the cruise ship Costa Atlantica, our home for the next seven days. I repeat, we'll be staying in the same room for a full week! This hasn't happened since late March. We were so happy, the first thing we did was unpack and organize.

Of course, we had the obligatory safety drill where we rocked the orange life vests. We also felt incredibly average - not too short, not too tall.

So here we are, looking out on Singapore's skyline, waiting to push off. Tomorrow we will have our first day of relaxation as we are out on the open sea. To be frank, due to the fast pace of our trip thus far, we fear we'll get a bit stir crazy, but we have chess, books, and a gym to keep us busy.

Bon voyage!

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