Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 35, Part 2: Singapore

When the first thing you see when you leave your hotel is a monkey, you know it's going to be a good day. If only the adorable monkey could have indicated the steamy weather. Ten pounds in water weight has been scattered throughout Singapore's Botanic Gardens by yours truly.

Today, Chris and I spent over four hours in the beautiful botanic gardens. I may have gone a bit overboard with pictures (105...) but all of the flowers were too gorgeous to pass up, including a rare black lily. We were even able to see our second orchid exhibit since starting our travels in April. While lilies may be my favorite 'bouquet' flower (write that down), orchids stand on their own with individual beauty, and serve as Chris' favorite flower.

Our evening is best described as simply perfect. Brad and Matthew, his work counterpart in Singapore, took us for a night on the town. We toured the night life and enjoyed incredible food eaten with chopsticks by all, except Chris, who let her hunger have the upper-hand and forked it halfway. We ended the night with drinks on top of the Marina Bay Sands. For those unaware, this is the series of three buildings with a "ship" atop all three. And no, Chris did not ask how the ship got up there.

The view was spectacular, the drinks were refreshing, and the company was unbeatable. Not to mention, we're so wiped, tonight just might fix our jet lag! Think good thoughts for us! :)

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