Monday, June 3, 2013

Days 55-59: Home!

Vivian: "I forgot where I was."
Edward: "Occupational hazard?"
- Pretty Woman, 1990

For the last two months, this quote has frequented my brain every morning when I wake up. This weekend was no exception.

After a memorable trip, Chris and I successfully made it home from Dubai. Our longest flight yet, we were airborne for 13.5 hours - in middle seats. Thank goodness for makeshift tray-table "pillows" and built-in TVs in every seat.

Handy tip for those traveling internationally: when walking to customs and passport control, always pass the escalator and take the stairs. No, not for health reasons - that's just an added bonus. The stairs are a lot faster; taking them will put you ahead of more people in line. Passport control is the DMV of the airport.

This weekend, Chris and I were both in the Midwest. She was at home, and I was in Michigan for a wedding.

Flight loads willing, our current plan is to leave for Costa Rica tomorrow!

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